How long does domestic violence affect child custody in Louisville? Once domestic violence has been established by a Kentucky Court, the burden of proof is clearly and heavily upon the violent offender to demonstrate that it is in the child’s best interest to modify child custody and parenting time orders.
There have been several published cases at the Appellate level here in Kentucky which answer the question of how long does domestic violence affect child custody? Based upon this case law a Kentucky Court can presume that it is not in the best interest of the child to give a violent offender joint or sole physical custody or legal custody if the Court finds that a parent has perpetrated any domestic violence against the other parent at any point in the preceding five years.
It is possible to rebut this presumption, however this is highly unlikely. Kentucky Family Law clearly shows rebuttal of the domestic violence presumption for child custody must include the following:
- It must be in the best interest of the child
- Has the offender completed a qualifying battery program?
- Has the offender completed a court approved alcohol or drug addition program if this applies?
- Has the offender completed court ordered or approved parenting classes?
- The status of any underlying probation or parole
- Is the offender under a restraining order or protective order?
- Has the offender complied with all terms of those orders?
- Has the offender committed any further acts of domestic violence in any arena?
How long does domestic violence affect child custody in Louisville? Kentucky family law and other legal statutes clearly protect children in divorce situations. Domestic violence has serious implications on the life of the offender, as well as future rights including child custody and visitation, employment, the right to own firearms, international travel and other limitations imposed by law or potential employers.
The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have the expertise and tact to handle divorce and family law cases involving domestic violence. We are committed to bringing the truth to light, as well as the protection of children and victims of domestic violence. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.