Family Law
Family Law
Here in Kentucky and in Southern Indiana the term “Family Law” is used to define many issues relating to family life and children beyond the traditional divorce case. Recently, Kentucky and Louisville family law has changed to reflect the rights of those within the LGBT community. Domestic partnerships may transition to marriage, and when those marriages come to an end standard laws regarding divorce and family law will apply.
Family Law Legal Disputes
Family legal disputes can involve your rights related to children or grandchildren. How will child custody and visitation be divided during a divorce or when the parents have not married? How does a grandparent ensure their ability to visit with a grandchild after the death of their son or daughter or when a child cuts off contact with a grandchild? How are the rights of an unmarried father protected in Kentucky or Indiana? What is “Paternity” and how do you establish your legal rights to custody and parenting time as an unmarried father? How do you ensure both parents support their child by paying the appropriate amount in child support?
Louisville family law also concerns your financial security during or after a divorce, or your rights involving a domestic dispute. Will child support or maintenance be awarded? How do you ask the Court to modify child custody, child support or maintenance orders once a decree has been issued? What changes must occur in order for the Court to consider your case?
At Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC we provide comprehensive legal services to individuals and families involved in family legal disputes. We are skilled at every stage of the family law legal process and are prepared to take your case from negotiations through settlement, or all the way to trial if necessary to protect your rights.
Our firm was founded in 1869, and we bring our own family tradition of almost 150 years to the service of your family and personal legal needs. We are concerned about the quality of your life and are responsive to the inquiries and needs of our clients.
Our law firm offers extensive experience and personalized representation for our clients. For more information about our family law attorneys, please contact us for a consultation.
Our Family Law Attorneys Have Extensive Experience in Many Areas of Family Law
Divorce: We are experienced in all aspects of divorce including support such as alimony or spousal maintenance, military divorce, support and child custody modifications, and complex issues such as discovering hidden assets, underreporting of income, nonmarital tracing, valuation issues (such as with a business) and invading family limited partnerships or trusts.
Child support, child custody and visitation: Our attorneys are experienced in family law matters involving children, including child support, visitation, parenting plans, establishing paternity, and child custody.
Grandparents’ rights: We represent parents and grandparents in custody disputes involving grandparents’ rights. As grandparents, you may have rights to parenting time, visitation, custody and support. As a parent, you may have the right to deny the grandparent contact with your child.
Domestic partnerships: Our firm offers extensive experience to couples in domestic partnerships facing legal disputes involving division of property and assets, real estate, probate, custody, parenting time, last will and testament, and health care surrogacy. Learn how changes in Kentucky law have affected your unique circumstances relating marriage and estate planning.
Adoption: When involved in the adoption process, it is important to understand your rights and obligations if you are giving up a child for adoption or you have made the decision to adopt. Contact us for a consultation to discuss your legal rights and options involving adoption.
Domestic violence: Our attorneys offer support and advocacy to individuals facing charges of domestic violence and those seeking protection orders. We take strategic action to protect your rights and the security of your family.
Prenuptial agreements: Prenuptial agreements are an important tool for couples to protect their interests, especially those coming into a marriage with significant assets or who have children from a prior relationship. We can assist you in drafting or modifying a prenuptial agreement before marriage to protect your rights and your assets.
Contact Experienced Louisville Family Lawyers
You and your family are important to us. Protect your legal rights and seek the experienced and expert counsel of family law attorneys with decades of experience. We invite you to call today at 502-584-1108 or contact Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC by e-mail for a consultation with an experienced family law attorney in Louisville, Kentucky
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Divorce matters including complex issues such as: discovering hidden assets; underreporting of income; prenuptial agreements; nonmarital tracing; valuation issues (such as with a business); invading family limited partnerships or trusts; maintenance; custody; parenting time; child support; military divorce; and retirement division.