Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Louisville Domestic Violence Attorneys

Kentucky Emergency Protection Order Lawyers

If you have been abused by your spouse or charged with domestic violence, it is important to have an understanding and effective legal advocate in your corner. Louisville domestic violence and abuse cases have a significant impact on your life.  They will impact decisions in divorce cases regarding child custody, visitation and parenting time if you have a child in common.  Domestic violence and emergency protection orders can also affect the Defendant’s ability to qualify for or keep a job, constitutional right to have a firearm and to even stay in the residence.  In some cases, protection orders can even affect your ability to easily return to the United States after foreign travel. At Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC we are experienced with Domestic Violence Orders or DVOs as well as Emergency Protection Orders or EPOs. We are counselors providing guidance as well as aggressive litigators you can trust for support. Domestic violence is not an issue that should be taken lightly. If you are in need of help due to spousal abuse, we can help. Contact us to protect your rights and to receive help through this most difficult time.

Compassionate Louisville Domestic Violence Lawyers

At Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC we have an in-depth understanding of the family law and domestic violence statutes in Kentucky. We are committed to protecting our clients and Kentucky children from the consequences of domestic violence and abuse.  Domestic violence can be in the form of many different acts, including:
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Marital rape
  • Sexual abuse
  • Threats of violence
  • Destruction of Property
  • Stalking
  • Acts causing fear of physical injury
No further evidence beyond the testimony of the accuser is required to issue an order for protection. The accused is entitled to a hearing, where the order may be lifted or set for a longer period of time, depending on the evidence. Our domestic violence lawyers will work with you to protect your best interests and the interests of your children.

Emergency Protection Order EPO − Domestic Violence Order DVO

Emergency Protection Orders also known as an EPO or EPOs are important in domestic violence cases. They can require a person to move out of their home, prevent the accused from contacting the victim at all and even restrict custody arrangements. In order to obtain an EPO, the person seeking the EPO must have a family based relationship with the alleged abuser (spouse, grandparent, son, daughter, step-child or child living with the family or a former spouse).  An EPO can be sought in unmarried situations where the couple shared a residence or were involved in an intimate relationship. The person seeking an EPO must present the Judge with evidence that physical violence, sexual abuse or threats of harm have occurred and are likely to occur again.  The Judge can immediately issue an EPO exparte (without the other side being present) and the subject of the EPO will be given notice of a hearing in the near future.

Why You Should Not Ignore an EPO/DVO Hearing

If you are notified of an Emergency Protective Order or EPO and an upcoming Domestic Violence Order or DVO Hearing pay attention.  There are occasions where these tools designed to protect genuine victims of domestic violence are used in order to gain an advantage in divorce or child custody proceedings. What you should do immediately:
  1. Obey every order of the Judge contained within the EPO. “No Contact” means exactly that: No Contact.  Do not call, text, email, stop by at home or work or ask anyone else to speak on your behalf to the person who requested the EPO.
  2. Do not reply – even if the person who filed the EPO contacts you. No matter what, you should not reply to any texts or emails, or return any phone calls.  You should maintain the distance ordered by the Court even if they approach you on the street.
  3. Call the experienced EPO and DVO attorneys at Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC to protect your rights and defend yourself against these allegations
If you are guilty of domestic violence or abuse the evidence will speak for itself.  If you have been wrongfully accused, we invite you to contact us to discuss a vigorous defense.

Contact an Experienced Louisville DVO and EPO Lawyer

We have dealt with numerous Domestic Violence cases for clients and can help you with any issue you may have relating to obtaining, defending or removing one. We invite you to call today at 502-584-1108 or contact Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC by e-mail for a consultation with an experienced Louisville Kentucky domestic violence and family law lawyer.

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