Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

How Can Our Experienced Divorce Attorneys Help With Your Louisville Divorce

Experienced Divorce Attorneys Help With Your Louisville Divorce

Why should you consider hiring the attorneys at Dodd & Dodd for your Jefferson County or Louisville divorce? How can our experienced divorce attorneys help with your Louisville divorce?

The primary reasons are time, money and peace of mind. Our experienced divorce attorneys help with your Louisville divorce as we understand the process associated with a divorce and the issues which lead to time delays.  Most of these center around areas of disagreement between the parties and how efficiently the former spouses can resolve these differences. Our attorneys have decades of experience with Jefferson County Courts. This experience informs the counsel and sound advice we provide to our clients.

We are able to make recommendations and suggest alternatives to help our clients to negotiate a resolution. This is the fastest and least expensive path to completing a divorce.

Child custody, Parenting time and Maintenance are three areas of consistent challenge for the majority of those who are going through a divorce. Our experienced divorce attorneys help with your Louisville divorce by working to resolve areas of disagreement, not enflame them. We work to establish clear goals and objectives with our clients at the outset. Whenever possible we negotiate with other parties and their representatives to establish constructive common ground while proposing options for resolution.

Mediation is an excellent alternative to litigation for many clients who are unable to reach agreement through negotiation.

Emotional support and peace of mind are one of the “surprises” many of our clients appreciate and value. We listen to our clients, and help them to move through this process empowered by a thorough understanding of the issues and related Kentucky law and always with their best long-term interests in mind. We help clients to move through emotion so that sound, well-reasoned decisions can be made from a position of strength. It is often hard for our clients to be able to see through the divorce process to their life ahead. We help to keep the focus on what is best and how life will work after the divorce.

Our experienced divorce attorneys help with your Louisville divorce by standing up for your interests and protecting them. When no other opportunity for resolution is possible your Dodd & Dodd attorney will take the matter before a judge or magistrate. Our decades of trial experience and reputation before the local courts have resulted in a strong track record of proven success.

Our experienced divorce attorneys help to keep your divorce moving toward resolution. We support you through this process and help you to work through emotion and make sound, well-reasoned decisions based upon what is best for you. Our focused efforts ensure your divorce is completed as promptly as possible while our extensive negotiation, mediation and litigation skills provide the best opportunity to achieve your goals and move forward with life.

We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.