What should you look for in a Louisville divorce mediator? When do you need a mediator and how do select one?
One of the most cost-effective divorce strategies is to consider mediation for the resolution of all areas of dispute between the parties. Mediation is highly encouraged by our Jefferson County Family Courts as it often helps couples with seemingly unresolvable disagreement to find common ground and negotiate a resolution they can live with. The cost of mediation is quite often substantially less than any litigation before a Judge or Magistrate.
Many couples struggle with issues of child custody, maintenance and marital property distribution during a divorce. The valuation and division of the marital property interest in a professional practice or business can be very challenging. What should you look for in a Louisville divorce mediator?
The simple answer is focused expertise. It is important to work with a mediator who is focused solely upon issues surrounding divorce and family law. Other mediators may handle everything from business disputes to real estate matters. Their attention is divided between several areas of the law and not as extensive as a mediator who has decades of divorce and family law expertise.
Experience. Look for a mediator with extensive mediation experience. Ask how many years they have served as a mediator, how many cases they have helped to resolve and the extent of their training. Your divorce is far too important to risk on someone with lesser experience. Your mediator should have extensive experience with Jefferson County Family Courts and all of the Judges and Magistrates. This allows your mediator to provide the benefit of insight into how matters are usually handled in reality, the application of law to your dispute as well as creative solutions that have worked for other couples in similar circumstances.
Trial Experience. Look for a mediator who has litigated several divorces. This experience provides insight which is not available in law school or for those who only prepare paperwork. You can draw upon the trial related experiences of your mediator to learn what to expect if you are not able to resolve disputes in mediation, and how harsh the experience of trial can be for most participants.
The insights of actual trial work and verdicts informs the work of your divorce and family law mediator as they work to help you find common ground and resolve your differences.
What Should You Look for in a Louisville Divorce Mediator? Expertise. Mediation Experience. Trial Experience.
The primary benefits of mediation are time, cost savings and long-term peace of mind. Finally, those who reach agreement through mediation and successful negotiation are much more likely to abide by those agreements after the divorce is completed. This reduces conflict and expensive post-decree litigation, saving substantial time and money as well as the emotional cost of continuing dispute and litigation.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.