Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Does One of the Parties Have to Move Out Before a Divorce?

How Will Marital Property be Divided in a Louisville Divorce - Assets

Does one of the parties have to move out before a divorce in Louisville or anywhere Jefferson County?  If you are planning to file a divorce in Louisville or at the Jefferson County Family Court it is not necessary to worry about moving out. Due to a recent change in Kentucky law both parties are able to remain in the home if they so choose until the divorce is completed.

It may be too difficult to remain under the same roof for some couples during a divorce. However, to move out before a divorce may have ramifications upon everything from child custody and parenting time to property division and support. It may surprise you to know there have been cases where the party who remained in the home had to relinquish some of their marital property (cash) to offset the benefit of remaining in the home throughout the divorce.

This is why it is important to work with the experienced divorce attorneys at Dodd & Dodd. After decades of representing Louisville and Jefferson County clients before our local Family Court, our attorneys provide insight based on extensive experience and sound counsel in these matters.

In some cases, a “show cause” filing may be requested by one of the former spouses asking for possession of the residence. This may be granted if domestic violence or abuse has occurred or if one of the parties is presently under a restraining order.

There is a lot to consider as you plan to separate households and prepare for a divorce. The additional expenses, taking care of the children, work and school schedules and managing extra-curricular activities must all be weighed before making a final decision on whether one of the parties will move out before a divorce.

We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys. Get the answers to your questions including whether one of the parties must move out of the family home.