Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Preparing for Child Custody and Visitation in a Louisville Divorce

Preparing for Child Custody and Visitation in a Louisville Divorce

What do you need to know about preparing for child custody and visitation in a Louisville divorce?  Child custody and visitation is often one of the most contentious issues in a Louisville divorce case.  The experienced, proven divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd provide sound advice and counsel if you are considering a divorce and are concerned about protecting your rights and interests as a parent.  It is important to know that pre-planning your divorce can be very important when it comes to child custody and visitation.  There are a lot of steps you can take to protect or improve the likelihood of achieving your goals and objectives.

One of the most basic issues you need to know when preparing for child custody and visitation in a Louisville divorce is the concept of child custody itself.  Legally speaking, there are two forms of child custody: Legal and Physical.  Legal child custody is the right to make important decisions regarding the life and well-being of a child.  Physical custody is the right to have them in your possession and to live with them in your household.

Legal and Physical custody in these cases is often shared by the parents as this is almost always in the best interests of the child.  The Court will absolutely consider an award of sole custody in cases which involve serious challenges to the well-being and safety of a child including but not limited to domestic violence, substantial neglect, criminal activity and/or abuse or addiction to alcohol or drugs.  The Court is focused intently on what is in the best interests of each child.

As a parent preparing for divorce, it is best to give serious consideration to the existing rhythms in the life of each of your children.  Where do they go to school?  What existing support from family and close friends exists?  Does a child have special needs?  The Court is usually interested in minimizing the impact of the divorce on children as much as possible and it is helpful to consider things from this perspective.

Another issue to consider when preparing for child custody and visitation in a Louisville divorce is your own participation in the child’s daily life.  It is important to take a candid look at your role and participation in everything in a child’s life from the moment they wake up until the time they go to bed.  If you wish to share in custody and visitation the Court will carefully evaluate several aspects of your own past and current parenting.  There may be things you can do to improve your standing and/or preparation to seek child custody and visitation.  Our attorneys work with you to evaluate your unique circumstances, your goals and objectives and ultimately the best strategy for accomplishing them.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.