Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

A Good Parenting Plan in a Louisville Divorce

A Good Parenting Plan in a Louisville Divorce - Custody Visitation

What does a good parenting plan in a Louisville divorce look like?  Your parenting plan is actually a legal document detailing the legal rights of you and your former spouse or other parent when it comes to making important legal decisions in each child’s life, as well as the right to spend time with them.  How will decisions regarding schooling, religious practices, health and medical issues, and even extra-curricular activities be made?  Getting the parenting plan right up front will improve your child(ren)’s well-being and growth as well as your own life as a parent.

What is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan in Kentucky is the legal document or agreement between a child’s parents detailing everything about caring and providing for each child, as well as the time each parent will spend with the child over the coming months and years.  A strong parenting plan reflects a vital core element of Kentucky child custody law: the best interests of the child.  A good parenting plan in a Louisville divorce should focus on the existing patterns and rhythms in each child’s life while tailoring a schedule and decision making authority to support the well-being of each child going forward.

Your parenting plan can be as creative as necessary to accomplish the best interests of each child.  It is essential to know Kentucky family law begins with a strong “rebuttable presumption” that it is in the best interests of the child to spend equal time with each parent as part of the plan.  This is a good starting place as you consider and resolve other issues including, but not limited to:

  • What is the schedule of when and how the child will move between the households of each parent?
  • How will each parent share vacations, birthdays, holidays, and roughly equal amounts of quality time with each child on important occasions?
  • How will each parent work to ensure the child has continuing communications with the other parent when the child is in the other parent’s custody?
  • Are there any special provisions for who can attend important events in each child’s life?
  • How will the parents manage child custody issues and parenting time when they are not in agreement?

A good parenting plan in a Louisville divorce puts the best interests of the children ahead of the parent’s personal interests.  It is also essential to know that the Judge pays close attention to the actions, words, and behavior of each parent throughout the divorce.  The Judge may have to make decisions regarding the best interests of each child and will factor in the actions, written and spoken words, comportment, and demonstrated skills of each parent as the Court evaluates any proposed custody and parenting time plan.  If the parents cannot ultimately agree upon this plan, the Court must decide the issue(s) for them before final orders can be issued.

The Court and your experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd fully understand your spouse has disappointed you in many ways as a partner.  However, developing and implementing your family’s parenting plan is about the ability to be a good parent and to focus on and preserve each child’s best interests now and in the future.  Remember, change is one of the few “sure things” in life, and a good parenting plan in a Louisville divorce will require updates as you go.  These can either be made in a specific manner between the parents, or the parties can return to the Court in the future to help guide decisions on what is in the best interests of each of the children.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.