Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

August is Known as Child Support Awareness Month in Kentucky

August is Known as Child Support Awareness Month in Kentucky

August has been traditionally known as child support awareness month in Kentucky and across the nation since the 1990s.  Why are parents responsible for child support during and after a divorce or in the case when the child’s parents aren’t married?

The first and most important answer to the question of how parents are responsible for child support is a matter of Kentucky family law.  The parents of any child are responsible for providing for the needs of a child including, but not limited to food, clothing, shelter, appropriate health care and education.

When child support is ordered by the Court, it is designed to balance the needs of the child with the responsibilities of each parent.  Kentucky has a specific child support calculator which provides a guideline determination for the need for child support and the ability of a party to pay support.  Child support is designed to balance the amount of parenting time for each parent with the income of each parent and the specific needs of the child.

Child support awareness month isn’t about a threat for non-payment, it’s about refocusing on the matter at hand: the needs of your child(ren) and your commitment as a parent to meet those needs.  The impact of COVID-19 cannot be overstated and if a payor of child support has lost their job or experienced a substantial drop in income it is absolutely possible to seek a modification of existing child support orders.

Most dispassionate third party observers completely understand the fact that the payors of child support fall behind from time-to-time.  In the spirit of child support awareness month August is an opportunity to consider strategies to catch up child support which may be in arrears as children prepare to return to school.  If you have questions about child support as it relates to your divorce, substantial child support delinquency or the need to modify existing child support orders we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.