If you are the owner of a business or medical practice and/or a licensed professional, there will be many questions about the division of a professional practice or business-related asset in a Louisville divorce. If the business was purchased or started at any point from the date of the marriage to the date of separation,...
How is Separate Property Protected in a Louisville Divorce?
How is separate property protected in a Louisville divorce? What is the difference between your own separate property, marital property, or commingled assets and debts during a Kentucky divorce? How can our experienced attorneys make a difference and protect the things that are most important to you in your unique divorce case? Separate property is...
Issues of Concern in a Louisville Gray Divorce
What are the primary issues of concern in a Louisville gray divorce? One of the first substantial studies to focus on this issue was "The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce among Middle-aged and Older Adults" by Susan L. Brown of Bowling Green State University. An updated Bowling Green State University study in 2021 found gray...
Financial Mistakes in a Louisville Divorce can be Costly
Financial mistakes in a Louisville divorce can be costly. Those facing a Louisville or Jefferson County divorce must not only manage the complex emotions often associated with a divorce, but they must also prepare strategies to make sound decisions at each point in the process. There are several aspects of any divorce that can make a...