Why is it important to pre-plan to protect your business during a divorce? One of the most crucial areas of focus for business owners and licensed professionals considering a divorce is the nature of that asset (marital property, separate property or commingled), valuation and ultimately how any marital interest in the business will affect the...
Relocation or Moving Away with a Kid After the Divorce
Have you thought of or heard that a former spouse is considering relocation or moving away with a kid after the divorce in Louisville? Do you share child custody and visitation of the child(ren) in question with a former spouse? Are you upset and worried about whether the Judge in your case will approve the...
Does a Minor Have a Say in a Louisville Child Custody Case?
Does a minor have a say in a Louisville child custody case or any visitation matter in Jefferson County? Here in Kentucky and throughout the country, many family law codes require the Court to consider the "best interests of a child" throughout any divorce, relocation, or child custody and visitation matter. The best interest of...
Have a Strategy for Your Louisville Divorce
Are you facing a divorce in Louisville or the surrounding communities or counties? It is important to have a strategy for your Louisville divorce and each of the important issues you will face. Divorce isn't simply a matter of filing some paperwork and waiting to see what happens. There is simply too much at stake,...