Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid During a Louisville Divorce

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid During a Louisville Divorce - Family Law

What are some of the biggest mistakes to avoid before or during a divorce in Louisville or the surrounding counties?  It is hard enough to be facing the end of a marriage and the fears and concerns associated with the process.  Why not take a few moments to consider some of the strategies you can choose and decisions you can make to reduce not only the risks and costs associated with your divorce, but the emotional challenges you will face as well?   How can you avoid a challenge before it ever exists? How can you set yourself up for a successful process and provide yourself with the best odds of accomplishing your goals?

There are several steps in a divorce; Each requires a plan – Generally speaking, divorce isn’t an “all at once” or an “all or nothing” proposition.  If you are considering a divorce (or believe your partner is headed in that direction) there are several steps you can take to gain an advantage and/or protect your interests.  There is information to obtain, as well as documents and copies and records to preserve. What is most important to you?  What are the top two or three goals you wish to accomplish?  Do you have children?  What are your goals regarding child custody and visitation?  What are the most important assets in your marriage?  Equity in the family home may be obvious, but what about retirement accounts and pensions?  Do either of you own or have an interest in a business? There are a lot of important questions to answer and issues to be managed and you will need the experienced, proven advice and counsel of your Louisville divorce attorney from Dodd & Dodd.

Never accept the legal advice of a spouse –  One of the biggest mistakes to avoid during a Louisville divorce is taking legal advice from anyone other than your attorney from Dodd & Dodd. One of the worst sources of legal advice is your spouse.  This is especially true if your spouse is a narcissist or a controlling type of personality.You can’t rely on the experience of family members and friends as every divorce is completely unique.

Understand the sources of cost in your divorce – The reality is this: The cost of your divorce and the time required to complete the process are directly based upon the number of issues where there is disagreement between you and your former spouse, as well as the ability to work through emotions and the issues at hand to reach a settlement.  A dispute with your spouse at any point in the process not only blocks progress on your own goals, it adds stress and unneeded emotional baggage to the journey.  The only reliable source of information about how the process is going to work, what is and is not going to happen, and how important issues such as child custody and visitation and the division of marital property will be resolved is Kentucky family law.  This is why it is so important to work with the experienced, proven divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd.  We help you to understand not only the process, but the underlying law and how it will apply to your unique situation.  We work with you to develop and implement specific strategies to protect your interests and increase the odds of accomplishing your goals and objectives in the most efficient manner.

Each spouse has a fiduciary duty to other to fully and accurately disclose all information and act justly until the divorce is finalized – Kentucky family law requires both parties to complete, extensive disclosures to one another at the outset of the divorce process.  Each has a legal (fiduciary) duty to fully, transparently, and accurately disclose all debts and assets.  You will want 3 years of tax records.  This includes personal returns as well as any business tax returns associated with any company or business interests owned by you or your soon-to-be former spouse.  You want copies of credit card statements, retirement account reports, pension data, investment account statements, as well as all checking and savings account statements for the past two to three years.  Unfortunately, many are tempted to attempt to hide money or assets, under-report business income or valuation or give assets to friends or relatives to hold aside from the divorce.  This is not only illegal, it can and will result in substantial economic and legal penalties and sanctions by our Family Court.  Allen Dodd is not only a family lawyer with decades of experience, he is also a tax attorney, who can help to identify financial issues, numbers that don’t add up, modifications to tax, business or financial records and other acts of hiding money or assets.  The Court will take a dim approach to these tactics and your attorney from Dodd and Dodd will work with you to protect your interests and ensure a full, fair and accurate process.

These are but a few of the biggest mistakes to avoid during a Louisville divorce.  If you are worried about or at the outset of a divorce in Louisville or anywhere in the surrounding areas we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.

Knowledge is power.  Sound advice and counsel will not only protect your interests and goals, it will reduce the cost of your divorce and the time it ultimately takes to complete.