Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC


Develop a Plan for Your Divorce in Louisville

It is important to develop a plan for your divorce in Louisville or anywhere in the region.  Effective divorce planning should begin with thoughtful reflection, prioritization and a series of strategies with the specific purpose of accomplishing your objectives and goals for the divorce. Divorce can be a very emotional process, especially at the outset. ...

How Are Your Assets and Debts Divided in a Louisville Divorce?

How are your assets and debts divided in a Louisville divorce?  Here in Kentucky, our Family Courts will refer to this as the division of "marital property."  All marital assets, property and debts are to be divided equitably between the parties.  What does "equitably" mean in this context, and why is the division of marital...

Managing Emotions in a Louisville Divorce

Why is managing emotions in a Louisville divorce case such an important goal?  It is unreasonable to expect your divorce to be an unemotional journey. There will definitely be emotional moments and issues, especially when working through important issues to you such as child custody and visitation, maintenance, the division of marital property and adjusting to...