Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC


The Fiduciary Duty of Each Spouse During a Louisville Divorce

What is the fiduciary duty of each spouse during a Louisville divorce? What is a fiduciary duty and how can this impact the outcome in your divorce case? From a legal standpoint, Kentucky family law establishes this fiduciary duty as the legal responsibility to conduct all financial affairs, make accurate and full disclosures and generally...

Reduce Financial Risks During Your Louisville Divorce

What steps can you take to reduce financial risks during your Louisville divorce? What are the important financial decisions you may face during the course of your divorce and what are some effective strategies for making sound decisions? It is not uncommon for emotions to impact important issues in your divorce.  The key is to...

Factors That Justify Child Custody or Visitation Modification in Louisville

What are the factors that justify child custody or visitation  modification in Louisville?  What must happen in order to request a change in these orders during or after your divorce? The existing temporary or permanent child custody and visitation orders reflect the Court’s perspective of “the best interests of the child(ren).”  While these orders are...

Will I Get Maintenance in my Louisville Divorce

We are often asked "Will I get maintenance in my Louisville divorce?"  The answer to this question about spousal support or alimony is much more complex than questions surrounding child support.  Unlike the Kentucky child support estimation calculator, spousal maintenance is not an immediately calculable number. What is the purpose of maintenance?  How long will...