What rules apply to parties during the divorce process? Certain rules, duties, and responsibilities are placed upon former spouses as they work through the divorce process in Jefferson County or Louisville. From the moment the divorce petition is filed to the moment the Court issues final orders in your divorce case, you and your former spouse...
Dividing Retirement and Pension Accounts in a Louisville Divorce
What is the process for dividing retirement and pension accounts in a Louisville divorce case? One of the most common mistakes people make when attempting to manage their own divorce is to miss the need to include pensions and retirement plans as part of the marital property division process. A single mistake in the paperwork associated with...
Some of the Worst Mistakes a Parent Can Make during a Louisville Divorce
What are some of the worst mistakes a parent can make during a Louisville divorce and how will these affect child custody and visitation goals? Are you a parent who is either considering or about to begin the process of a divorce? Are you seeking at least a share of child custody and visitation with...
Does it Really Matter Who Files first for Divorce?
We are often asked questions such as "Does it really matter who files first for divorce?" or "What happens if my spouse files first?" No one should be in a race to file their divorce papers, unless their case involves domestic violence, child abuse, or other criminal activity where it may be prudent to seek an emergency restraining order. However,...