Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC


Effective Divorce Strategies in Louisville

Most of those who file are concerned about efficient and effective divorce strategies in Louisville. Many Kentuckians attempt to handle a divorce on their own and file without representation to save some of the cost. Family Law Fact #1: less than half of those who initially file their cases for a divorce in Louisville without an attorney...

What are Temporary Orders in a Louisville Divorce?

What are temporary orders in a Louisville divorce?  Once your divorce case is filed and all parties are "before the Court" one of the first orders of business is usually a request to establish temporary or interim child custody and parenting time, as well as child support and maintenance payments.   The primary purpose behind temporary...

Put Your Child’s Interest First in Custody and Visitation

It is important to put your child's interest first in custody and visitation issues associated with a Louisville divorce.  Families with children in Kentucky often experience challenges and disagreements regarding child custody during a separation or divorce.  The transition from marriage to separate parenting can be quite challenging, however, it is essential to keep the...