Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC


You Need an Experienced Louisville Divorce Attorney

What is the value of and why do you need an experienced Louisville divorce attorney? Why should you hire an attorney to represent you in your divorce? The first part of the answer to these questions comes down to the unique aspects of your unique divorce.  Do you have children?  Do you own your home? ...

Is a Prenuptial Agreement Enforceable in Kentucky

The integrity of a prenuptial agreement as well as its enforceability is an important part of Kentucky family law. A prenuptial agreement is legal and enforceable in the State of Kentucky when they are correctly constructed, reviewed and executed. Prenuptial agreements are not just for the rich and famous. They are often important prior to...

How Long Will Maintenance Support Last After Your Louisville Divorce

We are often asked "How long will maintenance support last?"  How long does maintenance last after your Louisville divorce?  Will it be enough to be able to support a separate household?  Questions of maintenance (often referred to as “spousal support” or “alimony”) are not a clearly defined calculation in Kentucky law like the child support...