Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC


Maintain Good Communications With Your Former Spouse During a Divorce

It is important to maintain good communications with your former spouse during a Louisville divorce.  Divorce is obviously a very emotional and stressful time.  There are personal issues between you and your spouse which have resulted in this break.  So this obviously has to be a contentious battle, right?  Actually, quite the opposite. There are...

Never Attempt to Hide Assets in a Louisville Divorce

There is one clear lesson you need to know about Louisville Family Law Courts: You should never attempt to hide assets in a Louisville divorce. Attempting to conceal an asset or substantially reduce it's reported value is illegal and almost always discovered.  Here in Kentucky, divorcing spouses owe each other a "Fiduciary Duty."  They must...

How Do I Get an Increase in Child Support in Louisville?

Children grow and associated expenses increase.  Have you been wondering "How do I get an increase in child support in Louisville to offset new expenses?" Child support modification is based upon a change in the "status quo" toward the end of your initial divorce case. Kentucky has established a child support guideline calculator.  The Judge...