What are the options for visitation orders in a Louisville divorce and how can you protect your own child custody and visitation goals and objectives? Any conversation on child custody visitation in a Louisville area divorce will focus upon the two types of custody established by our Family Code: physical custody and legal custody. Physical...
Resolving Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce
Are you searching for information about resolving maintenance in a Louisville divorce? How is the need for temporary and/or permanent maintenance for a spouse determined and what issues impact the amount of support and its duration? We are often asked how much maintenance our client is going to receive, or similar questions such as how...
Divorce From a Bi-Polar Spouse in Louisville
Are you considering a divorce from a bi-polar spouse in Louisville? What impact can bi-polar disorder have on the crucial issues of a divorce including, but not limited to child custody and visitation, the division of Marital property and issues of child support and spousal maintenance? Managing a marriage with a bi-polar spouse often seems...
Important Elements of a Prenuptial Agreement in Louisville
There are many important elements of a prenuptial agreement in Louisville. A prenuptial agreement is a positive reflection of the health of any relationship prior to marriage. Many substantially recognized cross-sectional (a specific point in time) studies and longitudinal studies (participants are observed over time) have shown that the ability of a couple to communicate...