Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

How Can Mediation Make Divorce More Efficient?

How Can Mediation Make Divorce More EfficientHow Can Mediation Make Divorce More Efficient

Most people experience a broad range of emotions at the end of a marriage including a profound and deep sense of disappointment and in many cases that things are out of control. How can mediation make divorce more efficient and shorten the time frame to completion?

Mediation is an alternative to the traditional form of litigation you’ve always heard about in divorce cases. For many parties, mediation helps them to recover a sense of control and settle the complex fears and concerns which accompany any divorce.

There is power and a returning sense of self-confidence which accompanies a successful mediation. When you begin a divorce in Louisville or anywhere in Jefferson County there are many questions and complicated issues which fill your mind.

Child custody and parenting time agreements often present some of the most difficult challenges for the parties to work through. In other cases it may be more about maintenance and a financial settlement, or the division of the community property interest in a closely-held business or professional practice.

Mediation can provide calm and structure to a highly emotional and charged atmosphere. It helps to clearly establish a productive forum for working through areas of disagreement. Those former spouses who successfully work through to resolutions in mediation have been proven in many studies to not only ease the emotional and financial burden of a divorce, they are more likely to keep the agreements they’ve forged after the divorce is completed.

This has further been proven to reduce the amount of post-decree litigation which can be quite time consuming and expensive.

How can mediation make divorce more efficient? By removing argumentative, emotional and combative experiences and replacing them with structured, calm, productive work sessions which generate positive results.

The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have decades of experience in Jefferson County family law courts. Our attorneys provide sound counsel and advice informed by decades of real-world experience. We invite you to review the recommendations of our clients as well as the legal industry and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment.