Can you protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce? What steps should you consider to keep embarrassing, private, financial, medical or sensitive information out of the public record?
One of the first ways to protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce is to develop and implement a strategy for communications and social media. You need to realize that everything you write, leave in a voicemail, text, email, incorporate into a video or post on social media can be used as evidence against you during the divorce. One of the first strategies to consider is avoiding social media altogether during your divorce. Communicate clearly with friends and family not to comment upon the situation or post any pictures whatsoever of you or your children. Even an innocent event such as a few drinks during a night out with friends can be misconstrued and used against you to challenge your fitness for child custody and parenting time.
If you wish to protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce you need to give serious consideration to all forms of communication, when and how you communicate. We all get angry from time-to-time. However, an angry email, text or voicemail can quickly become evidence introduced into the public record for anyone to see in the future (including your own children). Make a conscious decision never to communicate with a soon-to-be former spouse unless you have had time to consider what you wish to say and review the message before it is sent.
Many spouses become familiar with common logins and passwords. Make sure to at least change passwords on all social media accounts, email, the router in your residence as well as the access code to your phone to something completely unknown by your former spouse.
Another way to keep information out of the public record and protect your privacy during a Louisville divorce is mediation. Mediation is a private, confidential environment. All evidence and communications which occur in mediation stay in mediation. Mediation can not only help you to resolve difficult areas of disagreement, it should result in a document which simply memorializes the agreements of the parties while keeping private and sensitive information out of the public record.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.