Do you need advance authorization to take kids out of state for the holidays during or after a Louisville or Kentucky divorce? Does one need to obtain advance written authorization or permission from the other parent and/or the Court before the trip? This topic can be quite complex and each case is going to be...
Relocation or Moving Away with a Kid After the Divorce
Have you thought of or heard that a former spouse is considering relocation or moving away with a kid after the divorce in Louisville? Do you share child custody and visitation of the child(ren) in question with a former spouse? Are you upset and worried about whether the Judge in your case will approve the...
Does a Minor Have a Say in a Louisville Child Custody Case?
Does a minor have a say in a Louisville child custody case or any visitation matter in Jefferson County? Here in Kentucky and throughout the country, many family law codes require the Court to consider the "best interests of a child" throughout any divorce, relocation, or child custody and visitation matter. The best interest of...
Can You Lose Custody of Your Kids During or After a Divorce in Louisville
Can you could lose custody of your kids during or after a divorce in Louisville or throughout Kentucky? Are you considering or in the process of a divorce? Are you concerned about child custody? It is common for parents to believe child custody and visitation are simply going to be equally divided during and...