How are child custody disputes resolved in a Louisville divorce? What are the best strategies to resolve child custody and other contentious issue in your divorce? The attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have decades of experience in child custody and visitation matters here in Louisville and throughout the area. Resolving child custody while accomplishing your...
Louisville Child Custody Relocation Attorney
Are you considering leaving Louisville or taking your child(ren) out of the area or the State of Kentucky? You need the advice and counsel of an experienced Louisville child custody relocation attorney at Dodd & Dodd. Do you have temporary or permanent child custody orders in place? If you wish to move away, you will...
Put Your Child’s Interest First in Custody and Visitation
It is important to put your child's interest first in custody and visitation issues associated with a Louisville divorce. Families with children in Kentucky often experience challenges and disagreements regarding child custody during a separation or divorce. The transition from marriage to separate parenting can be quite challenging, however, it is essential to keep the...
Child Custody Mistakes to Avoid in a Louisville Divorce
What are some of the most common and costly child custody mistakes to avoid in Louisville divorce cases? Child custody and visitation is often one of the most contentious issues in a divorce and there are definitely actions you can take which will sabotage your own interests. What are some of the more common mistakes...