Can you change child support payments after a divorce is finalized in Louisville? What types of changes would justify a successful modification request? A request to modify child support should be viewed first under the overall purpose of child support here in Kentucky. Here in the Commonwealth, each parent is responsible for providing their fair...
Is Child Support Still Ordered if Custody Time is Equal Between the Parents?
Is child support still ordered if custody time is equal between the parents in a Louisville divorce? How is the amount of child support determined under Kentucky family law? It is very common for parents to share custody and visitation on a fairly equal basis during and after a Louisville divorce? When is child support...
Garnishing Wages for Unpaid Child Support in Louisville
Are you searching for information about garnishing wages for unpaid child support in Louisville or anywhere in the Louisville area? Some Kentucky workers may be facing wage garnishment, and this can be stressful for employees and costly for employers. Most people with wage garnishments are men, and the majority of garnishments are for unpaid child...
Does the Amount of Child Support Have to Follow the State Guideline Calculator?
Does the amount of child support have to follow the State guideline calculator in Kentucky? Are the parties allowed to negotiate or mediate a settlement which is different from the calculated amount of child support in their divorce case? If the parties earn roughly the same amount of income and are sharing visitation with the...