Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Does Commingling Make Non-Marital Property Become Marital Property

Does commingling make non-marital property become marital property in a Louisville divorce?  Property division is one of the areas within a divorce where our clients often have significant concerns.  Perhaps, except for child custody and parenting time, the division of marital property may be of the highest concern to many of our clients.  How is...

Your Words and Actions Matter in a Louisville Divorce

Our clients often ask, "what do I need to know if I'm thinking about / going through a divorce in Louisville?"  While it is important to know that a blog cannot and does not constitute legal advice, and each case is genuinely unique, some things might surprise you to learn as you prepare for a...

Managing Substantial Assets in a Louisville Divorce

Are you searching for proven strategies for managing substantial assets in a Louisville divorce?  If you earn a significant amount of money each year as a business owner, physician or licensed professional, corporate officer, senior manager, or even a commissioned salesperson, you most certainly have questions about minimizing your financial obligations related to the divorce...

When Separate Assets are Commingled with Marital Property

What happens when separate assets are commingled with marital property or labor prior to the date of separation or a divorce in Louisville?  Here in Kentucky, when a spouse has money or assets prior to the date of the marriage (or after the date of separation) these are usually considered to be the "separate property"...