What are some of the most important issues in a Louisville divorce with substantial assets? Divorce in the Louisville area can be both legally and financially quite complicated. A divorce that involves valuable assets such as a business or professional practice, substantial retirement accounts or pensions, real estate, investments or stock options will require an...
Avoid Common Financial Mistakes in a Louisville Divorce
How can you avoid common financial mistakes in a Louisville divorce? Protecting the things that are most important to you while balancing the impact of any decision against the short and long-term impact it will have upon your life is one of the most important reasons to work with the divorce and family law attorneys...
A Few Things to Know About a Louisville Divorce
What are a few things to know about a Louisville divorce? Is there someone you can trust to answer your concerns and questions about child custody and parenting time, financial matters such as maintenance and child support, or the more complex issues within a divorce such as the division of business ownership, commingled marital and...
Keys to a Divorce From a Narcissist
Are you searching for insight and keys to a divorce from a Narcissist in the greater Louisville region? It might surprise you to learn you are not alone. Recently, the U.S. National Institute of Health reported nearly 10% of divorces in the United States involve a narcissist. These divorces can be quite challenging, and it...