If an ex spouse starts living with another can you terminate maintenance payments? Permanent maintenance is frequently ordered for a specified time or until a specified event, e.g. death or remarriage. If the recipient of maintenance after a Louisville divorce cohabits with a member of the opposite sex then the legislature has indicated that support may...
Will I Be Awarded Maintenance in My Louisville Divorce?
You may have several questions regarding financial issues associated with getting through the process of a divorce. One of the most common questions we are asked is “Will I be awarded maintenance in my Louisville divorce case?” The question of maintenance essentially comes down to three important issues: the duration of the marriage, the need...
Who Pays Maintenance in a Louisville Divorce
Who pays maintenance in a Louisville divorce and when will our Family Court consider an award for maintenance? Generally speaking, Kentucky Family Law begins with an evaluation of the present income capacity as well as the value of marketable skills for each of the former spouses. Does one spouse earn substantially more than the other?...
How a Request for Maintenance will be Handled in My Louisville Divorce
Are you wondering how a request for maintenance will be handled in a Louisville divorce? Will you be eligible to receive maintenance or required to pay it? Unlike child support, which has a very established process and calculator for determining the need for and amount of child support, maintenance is a much more flexible and...