Understanding maintenance in Louisville requires experience and a thorough understanding of Kentucky family law. Maintenance is much less of a formula-driven process than child support here in Louisville and throughout Kentucky. Judges have a much broader discretion as to when or if maintenance is to be awarded. The experience and expertise of the lawyer you...
Can a New Relationship Affect Existing Louisville Maintenance Orders
We are often asked can a new relationship affect existing Louisville maintenance orders? If the recipient of maintenance decides to live with move in with a new partner will it affect impact the need for or amount of the maintenance in their case? The only consistent fact regarding maintenance cases is that each party is...
Will Maintenance be Ordered in Your Louisville Divorce?
Will maintenance be ordered in your Louisville divorce? It can be challenging enough to provide for your family when you enjoy the benefit of two incomes. In many cases one of the spouses makes the decision to give up a career or work less to have more time to care for the children or manage...
Modification of Maintenance Rejected Due to Spouse’s Effort to Hide Income
A Kentucky Family Court recently rejected a former husband's modification of maintenance request due to bad faith and an attempt to manipulate business ownership to hide "income." The former husband owned a business which provided a $50,000 per year salary and an additional $200,000+ in business income annually. He had been originally ordered to pay...