Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

General Information About Family Law Mediation

If you are considering a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County it would be helpful for you to have some general information about family law mediation.  The greatest source of expense in a divorce is the resolution of all areas of disagreement between the former spouses.  Mediation provides a private, efficient and cost-effective option for...

Family Law Mediation in Jefferson County

Are you looking for family law mediation in Jefferson County? Mediation is simply one option for resolving areas of dispute in a Louisville divorce or family law case. What happens when the parties can't agree upon crucial issues such as child custody or parenting time issues, relocating with children after a divorce or financial issues...

Insights into a Louisville Divorce Mediation

Are you searching for insights into a Louisville divorce mediation?  How does the process work and why should you consider mediation in your case? Mediation is an excellent tool for reducing the time and cost required to complete your divorce, and to actually make the process a bit easier to endure emotionally. A successful mediation...