If you are an unwed father of a child there are some legal facts you may wish to be aware of. Even if you filled out all of the forms at the hospital your rights to see your child and share custody and parenting time must be ordered by a court in a process called...
More than Half of Parents Under the Age of 30 are Unwed
There is a new norm for children being born to young parents in the United States: more than half of parents under the age of 30 are unwed. The realities of children born to unwed parents have substantially changed in the past several years. A recent study noted that more than half of the births...
Why the Legal Issue of Paternity is So Important in Jefferson County
Many people don't understand why the legal issue of paternity is so important in Jefferson County family law courts? When a child is born to a married woman the State of Kentucky legally assumes her husband to be the father of the child. All legal child custody rights associated with the child are shared between...