Are there different types of maintenance in a Louisville divorce? What types of maintenance are provided for in Kentucky Family Law and what is the purpose of each form of maintenance? Kentucky’s Family Code provides guidance on when maintenance should be considered in a Louisville divorce case as well as the value and duration of...
How Permanent Maintenance is Determined in a Louisville Divorce?
Are you wondering how permanent maintenance is determined in a Louisville divorce? Temporary maintenance (if it has been ordered) was established to get the parties through the divorce process. The existence of temporary maintenance and/or the amount ordered by the Court is often quite different from the amount and terms of a permanent maintenance order....
Wondering If Temporary Maintenance is Likely in Your Louisville Divorce?
You may be wondering if temporary maintenance is likely in your Louisville divorce. What determines the need for temporary maintenance? Here in Kentucky, child support follows specific calculations. Maintenance is not based upon a specific calculator per se. Kentucky Family Law provides the Judge in your case with comprehensive discretion as to the need for...