Would it surprise you to learn many contested divorces in Louisville often involve narcissism or personality disorders? How will these challenges affect the time it takes to complete your divorce and how much it will ultimately cost? It is not uncommon these days for many clients to attempt to work through the issues of a...
Some of the Worst Mistakes a Parent Can Make during a Louisville Divorce
What are some of the worst mistakes a parent can make during a Louisville divorce and how will these affect child custody and visitation goals? Are you a parent who is either considering or about to begin the process of a divorce? Are you seeking at least a share of child custody and visitation with...
Is Mediation a Good Strategy in a Louisville Divorce?
What is mediation and is mediation a good strategy in a Louisville divorce? Mediation is a cost effective and timely alternative to resolving differences in a Louisville divorce, child custody & visitation, child support, maintenance or family law dispute through litigation in a Court of Law. Mediation is designed to bring the parties in a...
What Are The Primary Issues in a Louisville Relocation Child Custody Case
What are the primary issues in a Louisville relocation child custody case? What happens when co-parents are sharing custody and visitation of their child(ren) during or after a divorce and one of the parents needs to or wishes to relocate. Can a parent take a child or children and move away from Louisville and/or the...