Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

The Declining Divorce Rate in Kentucky

The Declining Divorce Rate in Kentucky - Louisville Divorce Attorneys

Are you aware of the declining divorce rate in Kentucky and across the United States?  Are couples staying together now more than in the past or are there other societal changes affecting the overall divorce rates?

People in Kentucky may be surprised to learn that, despite prevalent stereotypes, half of all marriages do not end in divorce. A review of the nation’s divorce rates demonstrates that the rate has been steadily declining ever since the 1980s, and it continues to decline through the past decade.

The divorce rate hit a historical high in the late 1970s and early 1980s, leading to the public’s perception that the institution of marriage was failing. The rates of those years, when viewed in relation to the rates of all other time periods, appear to be a historical anomaly.

The declining divorce rate in Kentucky and the US began in the late 1980s.  Statistics from marriages which took place in the 1990s show that 70 percent of those marriages reached their 15th years. Divorce rates of marriages which started in the 2000s show even lower divorce rates, and experts state that if the trend continues, 65 percent of marriages can be expected to last.

The approach in modern marriages, with their emphasis on more equal gender roles and shared responsibility and decision-making, appears to be helping the statistical declines. Another social factor which is likely leading to the success of more marriages is that 20 and 30 somethings from the 90’s on are waiting an additional 5 to 7 years or more to get married compared to their 1970 and 1980’s counterparts.

Generally speaking, many scholars presume the declining divorce rate in Kentucky and across the US is therefore associated with a greater level of maturity at the time of marriage.

More recent statistics may muddy this water a bit.  Many millennials choose to live together prior to getting married.  Recent studies have shown more than a 30% increase in the divorce rate for those who live together prior to marriage.  In addition, the largest increase in divorce by age group is known as a “gray divorce.”  Those over 50 are much more likely to get divorced, especially if this is not their first marriage.

If you are considering the end of a marriage in Louisville, you will need sound advice and counsel regarding many challenging issues such as child custody and parenting time, the division of assets including retirement accounts, division of a business or professional practice or questions of support.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.