Are you contemplating the end of your marriage? You need to consider developing a communications plan for your Louisville divorce.
It may surprise you to learn that every communication, every email, every text, every voicemail, every hand-written note, every social media post can (and often does) wind up being evidence in your divorce case. The evidence in your divorce is permanently preserved as part of the record. This means that anyone including your nosey neighbors or friends, your boss, your co-workers, your family or even your children can access and see this evidence now and in the future.
Developing a communications plan for your Louisville divorce prevents you from making self-sabotaging mistakes, especially in the heat of anger. Our decades of experience in Louisville Family Courts has shown how common it is for one party to send an email or text or leave a voicemail which angers the other party. The response is often immediate and escalates the heat of the conversation. Back and forth. Things are often “said” in these exchanges which have a substantial impact on the outcome of a divorce.
The Judge in your case is closely observing how each party comports themselves. It helps the judge to evaluate the trustworthiness of your testimony and the evidence you provide. It also impacts important issues such as your fitness to serve as a co-parent in child custody and parenting time issues.
Therefore, as part of developing a communications plan for your Louisville divorce you should consider a few steps. The best strategy for anyone going through a divorce is to avoid social media altogether. There are too many posts which can be used against your own interest.
Resolve not to answer any communication from your former spouse for at least one hour, especially if it generates an emotional response within you. The more emotional your initial response, the longer you should consider waiting before answering. Act as if everything you write, type or say will be shown to your family, friends, co-workers, frenemies, neighbors, and yes, your children. It very well could be.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.