Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

About the Emma L. Snyder Charitable Foundation

It is the policy of the Emma L. Snyder Charitable Foundation to give consideration to grant requests from organizations whose purpose is to enhance public awareness of Kentucky and Indiana parks, lands, and waters including recreational opportunities available thereon, and  to assist organizations which assist persons with disabilities. The primary purpose of the charitable trust is to educate the public concerning the available natural resources of forests, parks, lands and waters in Kentucky and Indiana.  The secondary purpose is to assist persons with disabilities.

Support will be given to those charitable organizations designated under IRS Code 501(c)(3). No funding is given to individuals. A Contribution Request form must be filled out, and supporting documentation must be provided.

Applications and Deadlines

Applications for grant requests may be submitted at any time. The grants will be reviewed with notification of the acceptance or denial of funding. Organizations receiving funding should expect a check shortly after such notification is received. The amount of funding provided by the trust will vary each year according to prior commitments of the trust, investments and various other factors.

Pictures, CDs, maps, etc. may be included in the grant application if such information would be helpful in the review of the project or organization. Each organization may be contacted for a review of the grant application and any additional information needed.

Any and all questions should be directed to Allen P. Dodd, III


Download the Grant Request Application in PDF form here:

Emma L Snyder Charitable Foundation Grant Request Application 2018 revisions