What are the challenges associated with getting divorced later in life in Louisville and Jefferson County?
While divorce rates have generally declined over the years, there is one age group in which divorces have actually increased. People aged 50 and over are more likely to get divorced now than they were back in 1990. Kentucky couples may want to be aware of this trend and its possible ramifications for their own relationships.
Analysts aren’t quite sure why divorce is increasing among older people, but have suggested a couple of possibilities. First is that people are living longer and may not relish the idea of spending decades with someone who they simply do not get along with. These people may feel that they would be better off on their own or that they would like to take a chance and start a new relationship.
Another possibility is that women are more likely to have more financial resources than they did in the past. In previous decades, a woman who did not work while married would be in a vulnerable situation if she chose to divorce late in life. Similarly, her husband might be concerned about having to delay retirement if he was forced to provide alimony or split his retirement funds with his wife.
Since many women now have their own careers and investments, this particular concern may not be as pressing as it was in the past.
Although it is unlikely that child custody or support will be at issue, the division of community property and retirement accounts as well as the issue of maintenance can be arduous, especially when the marriage has lasted a long time. These cases often involve ownership interests in either a business or professional practice.
Getting divorced later in life in Louisville and Jefferson County will be legally quite challenging. Seniors who are considering ending their marriage should seek the advice of our divorce and family law attorneys to get a better explanation of the divorce process and how it will affect their unique circumstances. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to learn more or schedule an appointment.