Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

How Long will a Louisville Divorce Take?

How Long will a Louisville Divorce Take? Family Law Attorneys

Many of the clients of Dodd and Dodd are seeking the advice and counsel of experienced, proven family law attorneys who will help them to complete their Jefferson County or Louisville divorce in a timely and cost-effective manner. We are often asked “How long will a Louisville divorce take?”

Will your divorce take months? More than a year?  The truth of the matter really depends on the ability of the parties to work through and resolve areas of disagreement and complete every issue found within the separation agreement.  Your divorce cannot be completed if any issue(s) remain unsettled or unresolved.  Therefore, the duration of your divorce process and the associated cost are directly related to the ability to resolve each issue associated with your divorce.

Unfortunately, there are many reasons these matters are stretched out.  One example is the impact of a personality disorder, especially narcissism.  A difficult or controlling personality affects the ability to reach agreement on any issue, let alone the important matters within a divorce decree.

There are those who use delay tactics in order to increase the pressure, or to simply preserve the financial benefits of temporary child and spousal support orders.  In other cases, these disputes become a place to seek some form of “payback” or to express bitterness or any negative form of emotion.  How long will a Louisville divorce take?  Literally, as long as it takes for the parties to reach settlement or receive orders for the Court to resolve every matter contained within the final separation agreement or orders.

The experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have represented clients before Jefferson County and Louisville Family Court for decades. We have developed effective strategies to resolve contested issues and keep the divorce moving forward while protecting our client’s goals and objectives. In some matters, we are ultimately compelled to file for discovery or seek the judgement of the Court in order to resolve the issue(s) at hand.  Our Family Court judges work to move the process forward in order to meet the demands of an unfortunately heavy local docket. 

How long will a Louisville divorce take in your case?  Usually, a contested matter could take a matter of 6 months or more than a year, sometimes longer. The decades of experience, strategies and legal skill of your Dodd & Dodd divorce attorney will make a substantial difference in your case. If your case includes complex issues such as substantial assets, retirement accounts or pensions, or business ownership it is important to ensure full disclosure of accurate statements, tax returns, facts, and accurate valuations in order to be able to resolve questions of property division and move the matter to completion.

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.