How to Divorce a Narcissist or Controlling Personality in Louisville
Divorce Attorneys Serving Louisville
and the Surrounding Communities of Kentucky
Are you searching for strategies on how to divorce a narcissist or controlling personality in Louisville? You may have a spouse who has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, narcissism, or bipolar disorder. Perhaps your soon-to-be former spouse is deeply insecure, manipulative, or dishonest. In most cases, these types of personalities want to control and manipulate the discussion, process, or decision to get what they want whenever possible. They can make each step of the divorce process difficult and contentious. You’ll need the sound advice, counsel, and proven strategies of the experienced divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd.
Perhaps one of the best strategies to divorce a narcissist or controlling personality in Louisville is to keep your plans and intentions “close to the vest” while you work with us to prepare and strategize. They will want to draw you into discussions and situations they can attempt to control and influence. These types of personalities often assert knowledge of what will happen or how a Judge will handle a specific issue. They present skewed information or outright falsehoods to manipulate the process.
The best strategy is not to listen to or engage in these discussions before or during the divorce. It will be important to limit or avoid discussion and communications, such as email or texting when it comes to the topic of divorce or any specific aspect of the divorce. Remember, any shred of a text, email, or voicemail sent in frustration or anger can potentially be used as evidence against you down the road.
We are often asked: “How long will the divorce take?” and “How much is this going to cost?”
As one of the oldest law firms in the state of Kentucky, we can share one of the most important insights on the divorce process you are about to go through:
The cost of a divorce and the time it takes to complete your divorce are directly related to the amount of disagreement between the parties, and their ability to set aside emotion to work through the issues and decisions associated with their divorce. A divorce can be as quick as two weeks or can last two plus years depending on the level of disagreement and the issues in the case.
The presence of a challenging personality type such as a narcissist, bi-polar or borderline personality disorder, insecurities and other controlling behaviors requires a different tact as one approaches negotiations, mediation and even trial.
Advance Planning and Organization is Crucial in These Cases
In many cases, a spouse with any of these types of personalities will attempt to cut off or limit your access to important information and accounts. This is why it is essential to obtain electronic information and printed records ahead of time. You’ll need a plan to access and organize crucial documents such as W2s and tax returns for the past two to three years, recent bank and credit card statements, and information about retirement accounts or pensions that you or your spouse are contributing to or drawing from.
If you or your spouse has a professional practice, owns a business, or holds substantial investments or property, you’ll need associated tax returns and detailed records such as account and financial statements.
Do the two of you have kids? Child custody and parenting time issues can be incredibly challenging when working to develop a plan for how to divorce a narcissist or controlling personality. Kentucky family law is always focused on protecting the best interests of your child(ren). This includes a rebuttable presumption that it is in the best interests of each child to have equal quality time with each parent. Each case is as unique as each child, and we will work with you to protect your rights as a parent as well as the best interests of you and your child(ren).
However, narcissists and spouses with any form of personality disorder have learned how to push buttons and manipulate the process to get what they want. Psychiatrists and psychologists warn these types of personalities are known to weave half-truths and fear to make it feel like you are in a much worse position than you really are. They need to develop the most profound doubts, worries, and fears in your mind and heart in order to be able to manipulate the situation to get what they want.
Contested Divorce with a Narcissist or Controlling Personality
Controlling personalities are rarely capable of working through an issue to resolve areas of disagreement. This makes negotiations and even mediation a challenging, if not impossible, experience. The legal skill and trial experience of your Dodd & Dodd attorney will be a consistently essential ingredient in your formula for success.
A spouse with any form of personality disorder can often be quite convincing and is known to develop partial truths and arguments in an attempt to make it feel like they have all the cards. They want to create as much doubt and worry as possible in your heart and mind. Fortunately, our Family Court is focused upon and interested in genuine facts, not your soon-to-be former spouse’s opinions, beliefs, or conjectures.
Perhaps the best suggestion for how to divorce a narcissist or controlling personality in Louisville is not to trust the information, advice, or “proven statistics or facts” of a narcissist or spouse with a personality disorder – even if they are a lawyer! You need a trustworthy and dependable source of information, insight, and legal advice. Our clients value the peace of mind and quiet confidence that come from effective preparation, advance planning, and strategization with your experienced, proven divorce and family law attorney at Dodd & Dodd.
Get the Right Answers to Your Questions
What are the things you worry about most? What are the thoughts and questions that keep you awake at night? We are here to provide genuine insight, advice, counsel, and helpful strategies to guide you through each part of the divorce process. Our work together helps establish and clarify your unique goals and objectives and the strategies to achieve them.
This is going to be a journey. You will need strategies for self-care and an independent support network. You will need an experienced, proven family law trial attorney to counsel, protect and advise you. We will help answer your questions, develop a plan for how to divorce a narcissist or controlling personality in Louisville, and manage each step in the process while working to accomplish your goals and objectives.
The quality of your Louisville divorce attorney will have a substantial impact on the time and cost associated with your divorce, as well as how quickly you can see your life moving forward. You deserve to have access to the best possible lawyers and the advice and legal knowledge that can only be obtained through decades of experience. We invite you to call us today at 502-584-1108 or contact Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC by e-mail for a consultation with an experienced Louisville, Kentucky, divorce lawyer. Our attorneys work to protect your privacy, while accomplishing the goals and objectives that are most important to you.
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