Do you know what to do to handle parental alienation during and after a divorce in Louisville or Jefferson County? Parental alienation is generally defined as the attempt of a parent to interfere with or damage the relationship of the child(ren) and that child(ren)’s other parent. Kentucky family law recognizes the impact of parental alienation and that these types of behavior are not in the best interests of a child. In fact, without legal intervention and professional counseling, the damage done to the parent-child relationship, the well being of each child as well as the child’s ability to develop healthy relationships in the future is severely compromised.
What is the best way to handle parental alienation before, during, or after a Louisville divorce?
Carefully Document Events as they Happen
In order to handle parental alienation during or after a divorce, it will be important to develop substantial documentation. This is why it is important to save every piece of possible evidence, including any written note, email, text or other communications between the other parent and your child(ren). Your experienced Dodd & Dodd divorce attorney is very aware of the damage inflicted by parental alienation and works with our clients and professional counselors to put a stop to existing hostilities, manage any impact and address these behaviors before the Family Court during or after your divorce. This documentation will become crucial evidence in any associated custody or parenting time hearing or dispute.
Don’t Ignore What is Happening. Kentucky family law considers a cooperative if not positive working relationship between any parents that share custody of their child(ren) to be in the best interests of the child. Of course, our clients are concerned about protecting, preserving, and/or repairing their relationship with any child as we work to handle parental alienation. It is important not to allow interruptions in communications, especially if there are existing orders from a Court requiring regular contact and communications. Keep attending all important events in the life of your child(ren) including everything parent-teacher conferences to extracurricular events, birthday celebrations and the holidays. This is your right as a parent and is in the best interest of the child under the laws of the Commonwealth. Don’t ignore these signs, act!
We can Help Obtain Modification to Your Child Custody and Parenting Time Orders. It is important to handle parental alienation in Court, documenting all evidence and allowing the Court to assume the role of standing up to the other spouse to protect what is in the best interests of the child(ren). Our Family Court takes parental alienation very seriously and often requires supervised visitation during and after intervention, counseling and ongoing monitoring. This often includes post-decree modifications to existing child custody and parenting time orders.
The most important way to handle parental alienation before, during, or after a Louisville divorce is to take immediate action to protect your child(ren) and the important relationship you have with them now and in the future. Parental alienation is a source of serious and often long-term damage to any child, as well as to your relationship as a parent with your own child(ren).
What is the best way to protect your child, as well as your relationship with each of your children? We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and the legal industry and contact Dodd & Dodd or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys.