Are you concerned your spouse is attempting to hide money or assets? How do you identify and find missing money and assets in a Louisville divorce?
There are several signs which can trigger that gut-level feeling that something is amiss. Is the lifestyle of your spouse a little better than their income suggests it should be? Is your spouse spending money on things they really can’t afford?
Perhaps you’re concerned that an account balance or two just aren’t what you think they should be. You may be aware of rainy day funds or the way your former spouse used to hide money or assets for a rainy day. How do you identify and find missing money and assets during your Louisville divorce?
It is illegal to hide money, assets and even debts during a divorce. Spouses have a powerful legal fiduciary duty to one another until the date the divorce is finalized. This requires each former spouse to continue to act in their partner’s best interest. Any attempt to hide money or assets or misrepresent the valuation of assets during financial disclosure can result in stiff sanctions from the Court and in some cases criminal exposure.
The divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd work with our clients to identify and find missing money and assets in a Louisville divorce. One of the primary tools is to work with a forensic accountant. A forensic account is an “expert” in the eyes of the Court with the skills, knowledge and tools to identify and find missing money and assets and uncover anomalies in financial accounts and associated reports, the books of a company, tax returns and hidden sources of income or assets.
There are several strategies to ensure a full, transparent and accurate disclosure of all debts and assets and a fair distribution of marital property in your divorce. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.