Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Important Issues in a Louisville Child Custody Case

Important Issues in a Louisville Child Custody Case – Visitation

What are some of the important issues in a Louisville child custody case?  How are child custody and visitation issues usually decided in a Louisville divorce?

One of the most important things to keep focused upon throughout the entire process of working through child custody and visitation is “The best interests of the child.”  This is the central principle standard of Kentucky Family Law in matters involving children.  If you begin every discussion or every planning session in your mind with the question “what would be best for (name of child)?” it will help to not only keep you on the right track, but actually improve the likelihood of accomplishing your own child custody and visitation goals.

Generally speaking one of the important issues in a Louisville child custody case is the capacity of each former spouse as a parent.  This extends to their participation in every aspect of the child’s life prior to, during and after the divorce as well as how they handle themselves and all communications with their potential co-parent.  It may surprise you to learn that the Judge in your case is carefully observing each party in a divorce case.  The Judge observes your demeanor, the way you communicate and your capacity for handling the various aspects of the divorce.  Every text, every email, every voicemail sent to your former spouse can (and probably will) be used as evidence during your divorce.  This can have a profound effect on every aspect of your divorce, but especially child custody and visitation.  If you want to parent your child after a divorce you will need to clearly show the Court you are not only prepared to do so, but that it is in the best interests of your child(ren) for you to do so.

Some of the other important issues in a Louisville child custody case include but are not limited to your child(ren)’s age and health as well as established patterns and connections including school, the community, religious practices and even extra-curricular activities.  The Court will consider the emotional connections between each child and parent.  Parenting requires emotional, physical and financial resources in order to provide a home for and care for each child.  The Court will also consider any issues of potential harm to the children including issues of addiction or abuse as well as physical or emotional abuse or domestic violence.

If you have questions about child custody and visitation during or after a divorce we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.