Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in Louisville

How Long Does it Take to Get a Divorce in Louisville - Family Law

How long does it take to get a divorce in Louisville or anywhere in Kentucky?  There are obviously many factors to consider when providing an estimate of the time it will take to complete a divorce.  The first factor to consider is the “residency requirements” associated with a divorce.  One or both of the spouses must reside in the State of Kentucky for at least 180 days and be “separated” for at least 60 days.  The shortest time it will take to get a divorce in Louisville is a few days/weeks for a simple uncontested divorce or at least generally 60 days for a contested divorce.  The reality is many divorces can takes months or more than a year to resolve.

If both parties are in complete agreement the process can be relatively simple and straight forward.  The real answer to the question of “How long does it take to get a divorce in Louisville?” begins with another question: how much disagreement exists between the parties?  The time it will take to complete your divorce and the cost associated with your divorce are directly related to the amount of disagreement between you and your soon-to-be former spouse as well as your ability to work through these issues and ultimately reach an agreement or settlement.

It may also surprise you to know that while 80% of the divorce in Kentucky are filed by one of the parties (without an attorney) less than 50% of these cases can actually be completed without both parties seeking legal counsel.  Those who attempt to manage the divorce process find it can take a year or longer to get through the process, ensure all paperwork is properly and legally structured and enforceable so that a Judge may actually complete your divorce.

The real answer to the question how long does it take to get a divorce in Louisville is actually this: it depends upon you, your former spouse, and the time required to completely resolve every issue associated with your divorce including but not limited to:

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.