Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

More Louisville Divorce Cases for Those Over 50

More Louisville Divorce Cases for Those Over 50 - Family Law Attorneys

While surveys show that the nation’s divorce rate may actually be going down, there are more Louisville divorce cases for those over 50.  Why are older couples divorcing at an increasing rate? Unfortunately, couples over the age of 50 in Kentucky and around the country are far more likely to see their marriages fail than they were in decades past.  The rate of what sociologists call “gray divorce” doubled between 1990 and 2010, and a growing number of observers are concerned because these divorces are often particularly hard on women.

Younger women are usually able to regroup financially and may enter the workforce or change careers after a divorce, but older women often have far fewer options. Women who have devoted their married lives to raising children may be especially vulnerable to gray divorce.  Studies have found that about 27 percent of women who divorce after reaching the age of 50 are living in poverty. The same studies reveal that only about 11 percent of men who have been through a gray divorce live in poverty.

In Louisville divorce cases for those over 50 complex property division and business ownership issues often complicate the process.  Experts say that older married women may be able to protect themselves from some of the financial consequences of a gray divorce by taking a keen interest in financial matters such as Social Security benefits, retirement division and insurance coverage.  Divorced women are entitled to Social Security benefits based on the income of their husbands in certain situations, and the increased cost of insurance coverage for older individuals should be taken into account during negotiations over property division or maintenance.

The urge to be free oneself from an unhappy marriage can be powerful, but settlement agreements entered into in haste are often regretted. While Louisville and Louisville divorce cases for those over 50 continue to increase the need for an attorney with proven experience, expertise and legal skill is crucial to success in these cases.  The Divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd provide sound advise and counsel and aggressively advocate for our client’s best interests.

If you are considering divorce we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.

It is important to learn as much as possible about the divorce process in order to protect your interests and ensure any potential settlement truly provides for your present and future needs.