How can mediation substantially reduce the cost of a Louisville divorce? The majority of those who seek a divorce in Louisville are looking to keep costs down as much as possible. The fact that many local divorcing couples attempt to begin the divorce process without an attorney is evidence of this fact.
So how do you keep the cost out of a Louisville divorce if the answer isn’t to avoid hiring an attorney?
Most people considering a divorce don’t realize the majority of the cost of a divorce is associated with the inability to resolve areas of disagreement. Resolving disagreements are the most expensive part of any divorce in Kentucky.
Mediation can substantially reduce the cost of a Louisville divorce. Mediation can also help you to complete the divorce in a faster time frame and with far less emotional distress. All issues contained within the “Separation Agreement” including child custody and parenting time, child support, maintenance and marital property distribution must be completely resolved in order for your divorce to be completed. What happens when the two parties have areas of substantial principled disagreement?
The last resort and most expensive and time consuming option is to have the Court hear the dispute and issue orders. Neither party is usually happy with the ultimate outcome in these cases. Mediation is an alternative that is much less expensive, and the tools and strategies learned during the mediation process can actually help the parties to work together more effectively during and after the divorce process.
Mediation can not only substantially reduce the cost of a Louisville divorce, but prevent additional costs in the future. Those who work out their challenges in mediation are much more likely to abide by those agreements after the divorce is completed. This substantially reduces expensive post-decree litigation and makes life after the divorce easier not only for the two parties, but for any children associated with the divorce.
If you would like to learn more about how mediation can substantially reduce the cost of a Louisville divorce we invite you to contact the experienced Louisville family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd Attorneys or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment.