What are some of the things you should consider when negotiating or mediating a high asset divorce in Louisville? Are there strategies which can keep your personal affairs and financial information private and out of the public record? How do you best ensure a fair settlement in a high asset divorce case?
Generally speaking, negotiating or mediating a high asset divorce in Louisville is can not only reduce the emotional and financial cost of your divorce, but the time it takes to complete the process. Some of the most common issues in a high asset divorce include, but are not limited to:
- Substantial income by either or both parties
- The ownership of a business or professional practice
- Substantial personal property
- Investments in real property
- Collections of art, vehicles, antiquities, jewelry, guns, or other items
- Substantial retirement accounts or pensions
- Stock options
- An inheritance or family trust
Negotiating or mediating a high asset divorce in Louisville usually involves many assets, debts and personal issues the parties do not wish disclose publicly. The divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd work with our clients to develop strategies to protect personal and financial information. It may even be possible to consider a different venue or private judging to make it harder for prying eyes to learn any of the details of your divorce.
When a high asset divorce involves children the issues become even more complex. The final settlement should reflect the needs of each child and address issues such as private education, college tuition, extra-curricular activities and even in home day care.
It is particularly important to clearly understand that the manner in which you communicate with your children and former spouse and comport yourself throughout the divorce can and will have a tremendous impact on your ability to accomplish your goals and objectives. Pay attention to all written communications such as texts, emails as well as other forms of interacting with your former spouse such as voicemails which can and will be used as evidence in this type of divorce case. The Judge will carefully observe each party, their actions and communications and their continued involvement in the lives of the children as it weighs co-parenting, child custody and parenting time issues.
This process is going to involve give and take. Mediation can provide several advantages. Mediation is a private and confidential venue. Discussions in mediation and all information shared during the process cannot simply be admitted as evidence outside of mediation. An experienced family law mediator will guide the process, assist in identifying potential alternatives and ultimate resolve part or all of the issues at hand. The goal of a divorce mediation is the completion of a settlement agreement which keeps personal, financial and private information about you and your children out of the public record.
Learn more about negotiating or mediating a high asset divorce in Louisville and how the divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd provide sound counsel and help to accomplish your goals and objectives.
We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.