Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

What are some of the most important issues in a Louisville divorce with substantial assets?  Divorce in the Louisville area can be both legally and financially quite complicated.  A divorce …

How can you avoid common financial mistakes in a Louisville divorce?  Protecting the things that are most important to you while balancing the impact of any decision against the short …

One of the questions we are often asked is, “Will there be spousal support or maintenance?” or “Will maintenance end during or after a Louisville divorce?” Under what circumstances is …

When is a good time for a prenup and how is it a positive and not a negative in a serious relationship which is headed for marriage? A prenuptial agreement, …

What are a few things to know about a Louisville divorce? Is there someone you can trust to answer your concerns and questions about child custody and parenting time, financial …

Are you searching for insight and keys to a divorce from a Narcissist in the greater Louisville region?  It might surprise you to learn you are not alone.  Recently, the …