Have you been wondering how to analyze assets and debts in a Louisville divorce? What is “Marital property” and what is “separate property?” When is property both, or “commingled?” Generally …
Have you been wondering how to analyze assets and debts in a Louisville divorce? What is “Marital property” and what is “separate property?” When is property both, or “commingled?” Generally …
Can you change child support payments after a divorce is finalized in Louisville? What types of changes would justify a successful modification request? A request to modify child support should …
What are some of the concepts you need to be familiar with when developing a parenting plan in a Louisville divorce? What is a parenting plan, and what is required …
What are a few of the essential things to know about a Louisville divorce? The divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd have decades of experience in Louisville …
How is maintenance established in a Louisville divorce case? The determination of maintenance (sometimes referred to as “spousal support” or “alimony”) in divorce cases throughout the Louisville area is quite …
Are you searching for information regarding CSRS and FERS in a Louisville divorce? Civil Service Retirement System (CERS) and the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) coverage applies to more than …