Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

If you are the owner of a business or medical practice and/or a licensed professional, there will be many questions about the division of a professional practice or business-related asset …

How is separate property protected in a Louisville divorce? What is the difference between your own separate property, marital property, or commingled assets and debts during a Kentucky divorce?  How …

What are the primary issues of concern in a Louisville gray divorce? One of the first substantial studies to focus on this issue was “The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce …

Financial mistakes in a Louisville divorce can be costly.  Those facing a Louisville or Jefferson County divorce must not only manage the complex emotions often associated with a divorce, but they …

Why is it important to pre-plan to protect your business during a divorce?  One of the most crucial areas of focus for business owners and licensed professionals considering a divorce …

Have you thought of or heard that a former spouse is considering relocation or moving away with a kid after the divorce in Louisville? Do you share child custody and …