Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

How Does a Potential Move Affect Existing Child Custody Orders in Louisville

How Does a Potential Move Affect Existing Child Custody Orders

How does a potential move affect existing child custody orders in Louisville?  The post-pandemic era has brought substantial changes to society and how we work and even date.  The divorce rate has increased significantly in recent years.  As co-parents move on with their lives they make choices to support their own goals as a parent, as well as what is in the best interests of their child(ren).

Many people have been able to work remotely, often from another city or state altogether.  Online apps and social media facilitate relationships locally, but often out of the area.  What happens when life circumstances change and one of the co-parents wishes to relocate out of the area or move out of state with their child(ren)?  How does a potential move affect existing child custody orders after a Louisville divorce?  What does a parent who wishes to move need to do?  What should you do if your former spouse is leaving and wishes to take the children with them?  How do you protect your rights and wishes as a parent?

The good news is Kentucky Family Law has dealt with a broad range of these types of cases over the past several years.  There is substantial guidance to Judges as they consider these cases.  However, nothing is cut and dried in these matters and the experience and legal skill of your attorney will have a substantial impact on the outcome of your case and accomplishing your goals.

What are the existing custody and visitation orders?  What is the ratio of existing time with each parent?  Will the move improve the child(ren)’s health, support, education and development?  How involved has each parent been in their role as a co-parent?  How will relocation affect each child socially?  Physically? Psychologically? Emotionally?  In essence, what is in the best interest of the child?

These can be difficult cases for a Judge to decide.  The divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd prepare extensive and persuasive legal arguments on behalf of our clients and work to protect their goals and interests.  Our proven results at trial and substantial experience in these types of cases ensures you are well informed, prepared and in the best position possible to achieve your goals.  You will need to prove your position is in the best interest of the child(ren).  You will need skilled and proven legal counsel to establish the facts before the Court and protect your interests and those of your child(ren).

We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.