One of the most important things to understand about ending your marriage is how to prepare for negotiations in your Louisville divorce. Every single aspect of your divorce must be completely resolved before the Judge can issue a divorce decree in your case.
What most Kentucky spouses do not understand about divorce is the time it will take to complete your divorce and the cost associated with it are directly and proportionately related to the amount of disagreement between you and your soon-to-be former spouse and your ability to work through these challenges and resolve them.
It is important to understand that the vast majority of decisions issued by the Court on individual matters within the divorce as well as the final decree itself are never a “win” or a “loss.” If you require a Judge to resolve any area of disagreement the magistrate will seek to find a resolution which is fair and equitable, where both parties get only some of what they want. You need to prepare for negotiations in your Louisville divorce.
The proven experience and legal skill of the divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd will be invaluable to you throughout the divorce process. The sheer volume of details which must be disclosed, addressed and resolved can be overwhelming. As your attorney, we will help you to prepare for negotiations in your Louisville divorce at each point along the way. We will help you to understand the process, the matter at hand and work to protect your own goals and objectives.
Ironically, preparation and focused thought also help to reduce the emotional impact of the divorce at every step of the process. Decisions made in the midst of emotion are almost always poor decisions. You can improve your legal position and the likelihood of achieving your goals through focused thought and how you conduct yourself. It is important to note the Judge is closely watching the behavior, conduct and attitude of each party as well. This will impact any decision the Judge must render along the way.
Before engaging in any negotiations or mediation in your divorce you should reflect upon the attitude and tone you wish to bring to each step of the divorce. Divorce can be harshly contested, an amicable process, or something in between. An attitude which is too emotionally charged or aggressive can not only lengthen the amount of time it takes to reach a reasonable result, it can significantly increase the cost as well. Those who are less engaged often find they have been taken advantage of by their spouse after the divorce is completed. Approach the process as a give and take, and work to keep your emotions in check and all communications in person and electronically neutral and focused.
Knowing what you want and need not only help with give and take, they provide clarity about proposals which are a non-starter. It also helps to know when it is in your best interests to take a break or walk away so that you aren’t pressured or duped into agreeing to terms which are not in your own best interests.
It is important to know the difference between what you want and what you really need. Our attorneys will help you to consider these from the perspective of life after the divorce. When you know what you want and what you need you are in a much stronger position going into any negotiation. Think through these issues from the point of view of your former spouse as well. Thinking about what your spouse will really want and need after the divorce can give you a genuine advantage during negotiations or mediation.
How you prepare for negotiations in your Louisville divorce will go a long way to determining the successful accomplishment of your own goals and objectives. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.