Dodd & Dodd Attorneys, PLLC

Protecting Your Child Custody and Parenting Time in a Louisville Divorce

Protecting Your Child Custody and Parenting Time in a Louisville Divorce

Are you concerned about protecting your child custody and parenting time in a Louisville divorce?  The good news is if you haven’t been convicted of certain crimes or domestic violence you almost always have the right to spend time with your child(ren) after a Louisville divorce.

The amount of time and the extent of your legal right to make decisions regarding the welfare of your child(ren) will ultimately be decided by the Family Court.  In many cases, parents who wish to co-parent are able to negotiate these issues or reach an agreement in mediation.  In contentious divorce cases, there is much more of a reason to be concerned about protecting your child custody and parenting time in your Louisville divorce.

Is there anything you can do leading up to and during a divorce which will put you in the best position to protect and maximize the time you will spend with each of your children?  The answer is profoundly “yes.”  Your involvement in the daily lives and activities of each child before and during the divorce will have a tremendous impact in a contested child custody and parenting time case.

Make sure you are at least sharing if not actually managing the majority of your child’s day-to-day needs.  This can involve everything from how your child gets to and from pre-school, day care or school itself to how your child is doing at school.  The Court will take a close look at each child, including their attendance, behavior and grades at school.  Encourage each of your children and help them with their studies.

Protecting your child custody and parenting time in a Louisville divorce requires you to demonstrate you have been and need to continue being actively involved in the life of your child(ren).  Do you know everything about any physician, dentist or other medical professional in your child’s life?  Do you have their health insurance information at your finger tips?  If your child has any medical issue, from a routine medical or dental exam to a significant health challenge you need to be present and actively involved.

Another issue when considering the strategy of protecting your child custody and parenting time in a contentious divorce case is remaining close to the child(ren).  Don’t move out of the family home without consulting your divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd.  It might actually be used against you during custody and parenting time arguments.  When it is time to move out, you need to stay as close.  Remain in the same school district if at all possible.  It is in the best interest of your child to maintain as much of their existing life as possible during and after your divorce.

If you are concerned about protecting your child custody and parenting time in a Louisville divorce you need the experienced, proven counsel of the divorce and family law attorneys at Dodd & Dodd. We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our former clients and contact us or call 502-584-1108 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced divorce and family law attorneys.